
NaNoWriMo Experience

This was my first official year taking part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). In the two previous years, I had only ever heard talk of NaNoWriMo and attempted to write something every day. It was impossible for me to write the intended quota of 1,667 words per day with the school and work schedules… Continue reading NaNoWriMo Experience

Ramble · Uncategorized

Personal Update: On Dealing with the Loss of a Job in an Adult World

You know how people say, “When one door closes, another one opens”? Well, I recently had a door close on me. I work at this bookstore/cafe in one city in one state, but in about 10 days I’ll be moving to another city in another state entirely. I’m going from very South to very North.… Continue reading Personal Update: On Dealing with the Loss of a Job in an Adult World