Anime · Tops

My Top 10 Anime Openings


Being the lazy, procrastinating person I am, I recently got back into anime thanks to a good friend of mine. Before I left for Washington, she and I would sit together after work in her room and watch a bunch of anime. Some of it was anime that I’d seen before like Wolf’s Rain, but she also introduced me to Ouran High School Host Club and Tokyo Ghoul. Both of those were animes that I either had been told to watch by others or they were animes that I didn’t believe would be very interesting. I ended up loving them both. Something similar happened to me with another friend who recommended Kill La Kill. A year later I finally watched it and fell in love with it. Last night I finished watching Tokyo Ghoul and it was one of those series where I wouldn’t fast forward through the opening or ending songs because I loved them so much. Therefore, I have decided to make a definitive list of my top 10 anime opening sequences. Here’s the line up.

  1. Tokyo Ghoul–Season 1
    I just finished this series, but I was honestly just so in love with this opening sequence. It tells a lot about the story without saying too much.
  2. Tokyo Ghoul–Season 2
    This second opening for Tokyo Ghoul was one that had to grow on me. I didn’t fall in love with it right away, but eventually I came to adore it. It’s good to mention that while this anime is amazing, it’s one that you shouldn’t watch unless you’re ready to get real serious the entire time. There are light moments, but it’s a pretty heavy anime.
  3. Death Parade
    Death Parade was one of those animes that I hadn’t heard too much about. Someone mentioned it to me once and a few months later I saw some gifs for it. This is what peaked my interest in the anime and once I started watching it I couldn’t stop. This anime was incredibly enjoyable to experience, including the opening sequence.
  4. Darker Than Black–Season 1
    This anime! I watched it about seven years ago and was desperate for there to be a second season (which there is now). This was another short series like Death Parade that I enjoyed incredibly. The opening sequence is bomb also.
  5. One Punch Man
    This anime was hyped so much that I wasn’t sure that I would like it. One day I got bored and started watching it. To my surprise, I could not stop watching it. I binged watched the shit out of it. I want season two. Give me season two!
  6. Kill La Kill–Season 2
    This anime was one that had been recommended to me for years. When I finally watched it, I was initially reminded of Panty and Stocking. I also was pretty obsessed with this anime.
  7. Psycho Pass–Season 1
    I stumbled across Psycho Pass accidentally. I don’t remember where exactly I found it, but I watched the first episode and fell in love. I’ve watched it three times. I’ve noticed this pattern where the animes I tend to think are awesome also tend to have awesome openings.
  8. Psycho Pass–Season 2
    Yes, Psycho Pass again. I actually like this opening more than the first season’s opening. It’s badass.
  9. Outlaw Star
    This one is a classic for me. I remember watching this show when I was about eight years old and I would sing this opening song at school all the time.
  10. High School of the Dead
    This has a shit ton of fan service in it, but it was awesome. This is yet another anime that I’m still waiting for a season two of.

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