Ramble · Uncategorized

2017: The Year I Claim Joy

This is coming to everyone a couple of days late. To tell the truth, I had already posted something along these lines on my personal tumblr account, but this is going to be my more official one. Since writing that tiny, personal tumblr article, I’ve been brainstorming what exactly I want to accomplish in 2017.… Continue reading 2017: The Year I Claim Joy

Ramble · Uncategorized

Getting Tidy as an Art Form

Well, hello there. This month went horribly awry. Okay, not really, but it certainly didn’t go as planned. It seems that I’ve caught a case of the Fuck-Its, that trendy little disease where you just say “fuck it” to pretty much everything that you actually need to do. This is something I’ve caught possibly for… Continue reading Getting Tidy as an Art Form